all postcodes in CH5 / DEESIDE

find any address or company within the CH5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH5 3AA 12 0 53.195886 -3.040087
CH5 3AB 3 0 53.195905 -3.041001
CH5 3AE 2 0 53.198062 -3.03975
CH5 3AF 2 0 53.197971 -3.039838
CH5 3AG 2 0 53.196726 -3.042487
CH5 3AH 49 3 53.196257 -3.045679
CH5 3AJ 3 0 53.197282 -3.046902
CH5 3AL 26 0 53.194729 -3.051046
CH5 3AN 6 0 53.194147 -3.05157
CH5 3AP 6 0 53.192752 -3.051911
CH5 3AQ 5 0 53.190381 -3.058813
CH5 3AR 15 1 53.19313 -3.052878
CH5 3AS 38 0 53.193638 -3.053445
CH5 3AT 12 0 53.193178 -3.054646
CH5 3AU 27 1 53.191711 -3.057813
CH5 3AW 9 1 53.193497 -3.052094
CH5 3AX 3 0 53.191741 -3.056451
CH5 3AY 3 0 53.190084 -3.060931
CH5 3AZ 1 0 53.19017 -3.064075
CH5 3BA 13 0 53.19857 -3.039404